Vat pasteurization

Most milk sold in stores is pasteurized using a “high-temperature short-time” method.  This method raises the milk temperature above 161°F for at least 15 seconds.  While this process is effective for mass production, temperatures this high destroy beneficial enzymes and proteins in the milk.  Here at Denmandale Dairy we choose to use a vat pasteurization method instead which only raises milk to 145°F, but keeps it there for at least 30 minutes. Vat pasteurization preserves milk's natural flavor, beneficial enzymes and proteins while still killing germs and making the milk safe. While this method might take a bit longer, the wait is well worth it!


The homogenization process uses heat and high pressure to break down fat molecules that occur naturally in milk. The broken down fat molecules are then permanently dissolved into the milk.  Breaking down and dissolving the fat molecules alters the consistency of the milk.  Here at Denmandale Dairy we choose not to homogenize our milk - keeping the consistency of natural milk and the creamline intact.  That's why the cream rises to the top in our milk, so before you enjoy a nice tall glass...shake it up!

There is a lot of discussion circulating the internet about milk that is vat pasteurized and non-homogenized. Some rave about the added health benefits and others say it is more digestible for those with lactose intolerance or dairy intolerances. While we aren’t scientists and we can’t prove that drinking this milk is healthier for you - we can say there is a difference you have to taste to believe. 

 Our milk goes great with…

  • Your favorite cookie

  • Your morning cereal or oatmeal

  • Your favorite coffee

  • Send us your homemade recipe made with Denmandale Dairy milk!